From Christmas to New Years- Wellness Gifts 2025

This year was about getting back on track for many of my personal goals. 2025 will be about continuing those goals. Wellness is something that I am passionate about, but I do fall off track sometimes. I asked for a few wellness gifts that will keep me on task. I don't know exactly why I'm sharing this other than I hope that someone will get an idea of what to do with their Christmas gift card or maybe be inspired to get back on track as well. Below are a few wellness gifts and what I plan on using them for.

I am an outdoor runner but that has slowed down tremendously with the weather falling to the teens/20's lately. That left me in a weird place because I'm not a fan of the gym nor do I have a membership. Occasionally I'll take a random yoga class if it fits into my schedule. Lately, I've put my YouTube surfing to good use and came up with a yoga/meditation/beginner pilates playlist. My plan is to do some sort of movement in the early morning and stick with it since all I have to do is roll out of bed. I feel like that's do-able, right?

I tend to be a to-do list writer on my phone (notes in my favorite thing in the world) and on paper. That tends to get jumbled though because I have a million lists in different places. I'm not going to give up my lists but instead try to keep them in one place and put dates to it. Highlighters are for color coding. Not shown, the larger sticky notes for list writing then putting them on the calendar.

I randomly saw this on Target's website. Although it is quite a bit smaller than I expected, it's super handy for morning tea. It also dubs as a can cooler. I think it'll get a lot of use to help get me started for those early morning workouts, am I right? 


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