5 Habits to Start as a Content Creator Now-Part 1

1.) Create a schedule- a concrete schedule. I recommend having a content calendar. Planning helps to prevent burn-out, creator fatigue and creative blocks. Content creation is a lot of work regardless of what some say. One thing that you can take off of you plate is "what am I going to post today?" Canva also has a way to schedule out posts with their calendar that's is included in the paid version. Another helpful scheduling tool is to time block. Come up with a time during the day that is solely blocked off for creating. Whether that's the time you post, write, film etc. Do that for ____hrs. for _____ days per week. 

2.) Write down goals- for whatever reason as a content creator I use to avoid this. I use to say that I just want to create. Well, that's ok if you really don't want to get anything else out of it. If you do, write it down! Start holding yourself accountable and work towards those goals every day. Work toward the life that you want to create. Manifestation is huge. Other tips that I do is to physically write the goal down and break it down into how I will accomplish the goal in small steps. Check out my simple goals worksheet for a better look at how easy it can be. It's great to look back on if you get stuck or discouraged! It's an awesome way to build confidence in what you're doing once you see that you've completed that goal.

3.) Eat, drink water, get moving- I'm not sure if I have the exact connection between content creation and these three, but it works! You can't use your brain if it's in a fog. More creative flow and a clearer head comes when you move your body.  Take care of your body and it will do wonders for you in return. 

4.) Write down affirmations and say them daily-  whatever you feed your mind, it will start believing. I like to post sticky notes with affirmations on my mirror and read them out loud every day.

5.) Get creative outside of social media- this was an important lesson for me that I learned earlier in my creator career. I lost my main source of social media due to a hack. I felt lost honestly. In the end, I'm glad that it happened. Here's why. First, in my strong opinion, social media should not be your main source of anything (income, posting etc). This is a loaded statement, I know. There are some people who have already made a nice sum from it, so maybe they can take that chance, but it's a honesty a gamble. Recently you're starting to hear about creators losing their monetization privileges on certain platforms. Guess what? The social media platform can take that away with very little that the creator can do. With that being said, have a platform that YOU pay for and own. Whether that's a blog where you post your content as a back up, an Etsy shop, whatever. Also, start networking in person. That's a huge marketing tool. 

Thanks for reading! Let me know if there's anything else that you would add.

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