5 Beauty Tips to Prepare for Spring Now

Hello everyone! This week's blog post is about how to prepare for the warmer months that are right around the corner. I've shared 5 tips that are a part of my winter routine. Since I am a mom most of these tips are quick enough to do in 20 minutes or so. A few of them call for a little more time for your self, but that's not a bad thing right? I hope you find them helpful.

🌸Start a Foot Care Regimen: 

I'm the type of person who will get an occasional pedicure during the winter months in order to keep up with maintenance, but in between pedicures I've started a few at home methods. Using a foot bath is one. I try to soak for about 20 minutes every two weeks. Along with that a good ol' pumice stone does wonders. I've also been loving at home foot masks. They are so easy and addicting and add a bit of luxury into your routine.  There are a ton of options out there. I'd say a few of them give professional pedicures a run for their money. Whatever your routine is, it's time to get those feet sandal ready.

🌸Visit a Professional

This winter has been so dry! I cannot explain how much my skin has freaked out. From more breakouts to dry cracked lips; I've felt like I lost complete control. I finally decided to see a dermatologist to gain more insight and education about my skin. After beginning a new skin care regimen I don't feel stuck in a routine that is not working. I also feel more confident with showing off my skin in the spring. It's great to build a relationship that I can always go back to when things need to be tweaked a bit. It is ok to make that leap to see a professional.

🌸Schedule Regular Hair Trims and Deep Conditionings: 

I like to keep up with regular trims and deep conditionings especially in dry weather because it can wreak havoc on your hair/scalp. I go to the salon regularly because that’s what I enjoy for my ‘me time’, but  are so many products out there for at home hair care. By the time the summer rolls around your hair is already nicely maintained and good to go...no split ends or fly aways in the glistening sun.

🌸Keep Hands Moisturized and Maintained: 

Keep up with those hands. This is another area that I like to splurge just a little on because hands are one of the first to show your age. The winter months call for more hand washing and sanitizing, therefor I make sure to lotion (that contains SPF) afterwards. This way I won't have to play catch up with cracked hands when the nicer weather starts to come around. Professional manicures are a plus for upkeep, but I also love a good DIY mani.

🌸Drink a Ton of Water: 

I'm sure you hear this everywhere and it's so true. Drinking enough water helps keep you hydrated and naturally moisturized. This is especially true for dry lips. Get into a water regimen now and you'll be a pro by the time the hot summer months roll around. I know it's easier said then done especially with a super busy schedule. I like to lay out water bottles around the house so that I have a visual reminder. I also keep a fresh bottle of water in the car.

Thank you so much for reading and have a great week. Please don’t  forget to subscribe.


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